I actually dont know if this is a torment nexus situation i havent read the book or seen the movie lol. But people are making that joke!

  • @CrushKillDestroySwag
    6 months ago

    The book is actually pro Torment Nexus. That's part of what makes it so depressing - the author creates a really nasty dystopia where everyone escapes reality on the computer, and then says "this is fine actually."

    The movie is anti Torment Nexus, but only a squishy moderate way. The ending of the film is Stephen Spielberg looking straight into the camera and telling you to get off your cell phone, but also ends without anyone addressing the fact that the Earth's entire population apparently lives in piles of garbage as established by the movie's opening.

    • VILenin [he/him]
      6 months ago

      Setting things up without wrapping them up is a pillar of Hollywood slop