• infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
    6 months ago

    The last two paragraphs say the most.

    But the offensive was also widely recognized as an effort by the MNDAA to regain control of the Kokang Self-Administered Zone by ousting a rival Kokang group backed by the military government from its seat of power.

    Peng Deren, the MNDAA commander, said in a New Year’s speech published by The Kokang, an affiliated online media site, that the alliance had seized over 250 military targets and five border crossings with China. He said more than 300 cyberscam centers were raided and more than 40,000 Chinese involved in the operations were repatriated.

    Apparently the government is supporting rival warlords in the region, and one of their big sources of revenue is running online scams... and maybe trafficking people into doing that work?

    There are a lot of seams in Myanmar, and they don't look that sturdy.