Now that I’ve caught you with the clickbait title,

Basically every post has included some form of toxic self-hate, minus one or two mentioning exercise. While I do like being able to confront these in the first place, the purported goals and name of this community gives people who are giving the exact wrong advice far too much credibility, and the last thing these people need is a comment with the most upbears regurgitating individualistic self-help concepts at them.

If we’re going to keep this sort of community around, I suggest doing some serious research and basing it off of DBT, and integrating serious critiques of CBT style mental healthcare and improvement.

I am just some random nerd who is terrible at self-improvement at general, so I understand taking this with some serious doubt. But I just had to get this off my chest.

Thank you, WithoutFurtherBelay

  • OgdenTO [he/him]
    8 months ago

    This is a good idea. This should be a com about building value and worth through community and organizing.

    • arabiclearner
      8 months ago

      building value and worth through community and organizing

      Yeah but then again there's that elusive word "organizing." It's basically like tankie at this point, cuz i have no idea what it means. To some people it means joining an org. To others it means talking to your neighbors and maybe forming a tenant union. To others it means volunteering at a local food shelter.

        • arabiclearner
          8 months ago

          I'll put it this way, with your average self-help guide, many people have lost weight, gained muscle, improved their looks, etc. I have yet to see some kind of organizing guide other than "join an org."

          • OgdenTO [he/him]
            8 months ago

            That's the thing about organizing, is that you need to do it along with other people. Just get outside, talk to your neighbors, find a community group to join, take a local organizing course (actually a lot of them). Just go out and do something nice for other people. Learn organizing from someone else who's good at it.

            If you need to read about it, there are actually lots of guides on organizing. For example:



            A DSA Resource for Effective Community Organizing

            For example