Hi comrades, welcome to the Improvement Megathread! unity

I plan to post a new weekly megathread here every Sunday. I think Sunday is a good day to review the previous week and make some plans for the following week. If somebody else wants to post a new megathread anytime, just let me know.

Here are some ideas for discussion:

  • Do you want to share something you've done in the previous week?

Even if you did only 1 push-up, read 1 page, meditated for 1 minute, or touched 1 blade of grass, let us know about it. When it comes to making progress, everything counts. The most important thing is to make progress, no matter how small.

  • What would you like to do next week?
  • What aspect of life would you like to improve?
  • Do you have any streaks? For example, "sober for one day." Feel free to post your streak every day in this thread.
  • If you don't have a continuous streak, did you manage to abstain from something for a day or more?
  • Did you come across some useful information or resource that might help others?

Of course, this is not a definitive list. And feel free to make a separate post in the comm for any of these topics. This is just a megathread for all the stuff that you want to share but don't feel like making a new post.

Let me know if you have any suggestions.

And remember the Golden Rule of Hexbear:



  • Moss [they/them]
    9 months ago

    I've been sober since the start of January. Intend on staying sober all month, and honestly, it feels easy atm. Probably because I don't have much stressing me out rn

    Weight loss wise, I've been going for walks daily but not eating better or doing workouts. I'm committing right now to doing a workout today and will update when I've done it.

    • Moss [they/them]
      9 months ago

      Also! I've been practicing my drawing. I followed some tutorials on shading and they've turned out alright, I'm starting to understand the basics. I did a few practice drawings of an apple and faces with shading and they turned out decent

    • Moss [they/them]
      9 months ago

      Update! I've now done my workout. It was tough. Of course I feel better for it

        • Moss [they/them]
          9 months ago

          24 hours after last posting and I have just done another workout and showered. Feeling good!

            • Moss [they/them]
              8 months ago

              hey hey hey gues what

              24 hours after last posting and I have just done another workout and showered. Feeling good!

              third day in a row! tomorrow is my rest day so i think i will go for a long walk or something instead :p

              • moonlake [he/him]
                8 months ago

                Well now you're just flexing on me! angery

                Just kidding, keep up the great work and keep posting, it's encouraging to see that so many comrades are making progress unity