It's basically the new /r/GenZedong.

They should've done this way before this became a problem.

I'd like Nakoichi's thoughts on this as well.

  • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
    4 months ago

    Deprogram is like if you mixed genzedong with 196, inserting a lot more radlib and literal children

    The users there seem very young and internet naive, like they are blown away by common leftist facts and have a hard time parsing cynicism and sarcasm, often misinterpreting meaning. Contrast that with the old Chapo or TrueAnon subreddits where there’s a bunch of heterodox weirdos with tons of esoteric knowledge and references, and lots of humor/sarcasm and world weariness, it’s night and day

    • voight [he/him, any]
      4 months ago

      That's probably true overall yeah, that's why you can just as easily have a thread that's like "what do we think of these guys?" and a picture of the Communist Party of the Philippines (where all the commenters are like "they give me a good feeling. great stuff") as you can have a thread giving Sison a raised eyebrow for calling for attacks on companies the Philippine govt & the US had recently sanctioned from the Netherlands shortly before his death

    • Moss [they/them]
      4 months ago

      tbf, its the literal deprogramming sub. a lot of people there will be new to leftism because the three deprogram hosts make content for new leftists