Any experienced guitar players have advice on how to learn better?

I played very little in highschool and now, 15 years later, I have the urge to go back to it. I've been playing for an hour or so most days for the last month which I know isn't a lot but lets be honest, it's just for my own enjoyment, I have no illusions of being a middle aged rock star.

Anyway I was wondering if people had any advice, good resources, sheet music that isn't garbage?

In my position would you go the self taught route or is it really important to have a tutor? I'm particularly concerned about picking up bad technique and then practicing that, I feel like that was a big part of why I gave up in the first place - fucking up the same things no matter how many times I did them because I learned them wrong.

Thanks all.

  • AlkaliMarxist
    8 months ago

    Hey I'm glad you did, my confidence needed the boost and getting the good replies I did totally hyped me up to play, and try some new things, today.

    The idea of being able to sight read some super complex stuff and just nail it first time like the classical players can is cool and all but it sounds like a huge investment and to be honest, right now, I'd rather be playing the music that really excites me, you know? Maybe one day I'll give it a try just to experience it.

    They can't stop you.

    I'd like to see those nerds try!

    Kidding, love ya classical nerds