Hunting is nothing but a shitty vanity project by whites who have nothing else in their """""culture"""""" besides senseless death and vain overconsumption. You do not fucking need venison. If you want to clog your arteries with shitass red meat just go to the butcher or shitty walmart 200 miles away fro. Your hohse and buy it, dipshit. You can even buy game meat too. "B-but!!!" I hear you shitass liberal cuckhold dont tread on me dip-eating muzlzleloading meemaws and peepaws saying, "it costs so much!!!"

Wanna know what else costs so much? Guns, bullets, gas, hunting kicense, processing fees.. and youre not even guaranteed to get a deer with it! Lmao! "B-but.. my dad taught me to kill animals for no reason!!!!!!!"

Your dad was a shitass moron who probably beat yyou too. You shitty kidwestern ceramic demons have nothing else in your culture besuxes glutting yourself on the dead, be it minorities or animals.

You have no culture, you are a an abberation on this earth. Half the time yourw drunk while using guns! Nd you cant even find your deer afted you shoot it!!! Or you just fucking take the antlers and leVe the meat to rot!

"B-but it connects me with nature!"

One: nature that isn't YOURS, blanqui.


Three: you are WHITE!!!! Spend your money on a shitty stanley cup oe the next funko pop. Youre jot a mountain man. Youre not a bushman. Youre not a fucking outdoorsman. You go out to kill an animal and heft your pig like body out huffing the entire way. Or you sit in your car and shoot from there and get your shitty faikson to drive his ATV you bought with money gktten from slave labor to pick it up as you smoke 5 packs and chew 4 tins of dip and eat 20 cheesebuegers you disgusting american abberation against humanity

  • Cummunism [they/them, he/him]
    8 months ago

    deer have pretty much no predators and there is more than enough of them to go around. youre recommending buying shit walmart meat from a meat factory instead? hilarious. hunting should be the only way people get meat.

    • Comp4 [comrade/them]
      8 months ago

      I don't reeeally want to get into this, but if suddenly every meat-eater with a gun roams the countryside in search of animals to hunt, you're going to see a lot of extinct species pretty quickly, I assume. Just say people shouldn't eat meat

          • EmmaGoldman [she/her, comrade/them]M
            8 months ago

            youre not allowed to do persistence hunting or anything you just have to run down the animal on foot and fight it with your hands or a rock and maybe rope and you only get one try

            like that scene with the tiger in that movie rrr if you cant do that sorry buddy its gonna be a vegetarian dinner 4 u

            deers are faster than you? ok here is some beans go to the gym and do some cardio and try again tomorrow

            • HexBroke
              3 months ago

              deleted by creator

              • EmmaGoldman [she/her, comrade/them]M
                8 months ago

                there is a strict 5 minute time limit during which you have to actually get the critter so persistance hunting is not allowed

                • silent_water [she/her]
                  8 months ago

                  you don't stop in between. you just keep running at it until it falls over. you never stop running and if it stops running, you're doing it badly. once it does, you still have to beat it over the head with a rock or it will get back up and run away.

    • muddi [he/him]
      8 months ago

      Why is eating deer the first thing to come to mind for that? Just kill the deer and be done with it if you have to do it that way. Imagine calling pest control and finding them munching on bugs in your basement lol

      • wopazoo [he/him]
        8 months ago

        Just kill the deer and be done with it if you have to do it that way.

        What a colossal and unnecessary waste of resources!!

        • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
          8 months ago

          I would really love to know how they want to "be done with it" and why killing an animal and then not using it is better than making use of it.

          • Adkml [he/him]
            8 months ago

            Because we're all being super edgy and saying "fuck poor white people" to prove were the real socialists lol

          • muddi [he/him]
            8 months ago

            Burn the corpses or something. Quit making animal bodies a "resource" to be exploited. That is how eg. ivory poaching is dealt with.

            The solution to everything isn't creating a market out of it to exploit yet more profit

            • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
              8 months ago

              The solution to everything isn't creating a market out of it to exploit yet more profit

              i didn't suggest that at all. it's just offensive to me to kill animals that we are practiced at using the resources of and then just burning it for reasons. i'm not making animal bodies a resource to be exploited by suggesting that if they are killed they should be used. you coming for indigenous practices of ecology next, or what?

              • muddi [he/him]
                8 months ago

                you coming for indigenous practices of ecology next, or what?

                No, that isn't for me to discuss. I'm not sure if you are indigenous or not. I'll leave it to indigenous people to discuss.

                I am talking about capitalist states exploiting animal bodies because they see "pest control" and read "potential market to exploit," pushing propaganda that we should kill deer because ___ and that not using their body parts is wrong because ___. If those blanks are filled in with indigenous beliefs but are actually carried out by white people and corporations, then we've got a problem

                • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
                  8 months ago

                  I am talking about capitalist states exploiting animal bodies

                  you are demonstrably not.

                  you have said to me this

                  Why is eating deer the first thing to come to mind for that? Just kill the deer and be done with it if you have to do it that way. Imagine calling pest control and finding them munching on bugs in your basement lol

                  which is equating deer with vermin,

                  and this

                  Burn the corpses or something. Quit making animal bodies a "resource" to be exploited. That is how eg. ivory poaching is dealt with.

                  The solution to everything isn't creating a market out of it to exploit yet more profit

                  which is unrelated to the idea of solving the immediate problem of industrialized urban development creating unsustainable conditions for deer population explosion and then extinction, which requires ecological management of some sort to save the deer themselves. yes, that's because of a problem caused by capitalism, but nobody is talking about that. you and i are not discussing whether capitalism ethically creates the means and conditions for handling that ecological problem: it obviously does not. you're also not making an argument about the socioeconomics of the hunting industry, which absolutely exists, and serves people who are far far crueler to animals than the very wide set of people that would prefer to use the deer rather than kill and burn it.

                  i ask this as a general point to you, a member of this communist website to ponder: do you want to feel proud for owning me morally, or do you want to actually try to convince people that they shouldn't eat the deer, etc.? because you're not going to convince even good faith people of whatever you're arguing when you form your arguments like this. i might agree with all or most of your thoughts, but it's hard to tell when you're just angrily shouting at people.

                • wopazoo [he/him]
                  8 months ago

                  pushing propaganda that we should kill deer because ___ and that not using their body parts is wrong because ___

                  insidious propaganda such as: "maybe we should avoid ecological collapse" and "maybe we should actually do something useful with the bodies instead of just leaving them to rot"

                  If those blanks are filled in with indigenous beliefs but are actually carried out by white people and corporations, then we've got a problem

                  it is actually illegal for white people to practice indigenous ecology - you apparently

            • Adkml [he/him]
              8 months ago

              You're recreating the ivory market, where they just kill the animal and then burn the corpse because they don't give a shit about not wasting the animal aka viewing it as a resource.

              • muddi [he/him]
                8 months ago

                You're saying the ivory trade involves indiscriminate killing of animals and destroying their bodies totally, including the tusks/horns/etc? Not killing animals with the largest tusks/horns/etc. and selling that ivory?

                Also that the ivory trade would be marginally okay if the hunters and poachers ate a little elephant meat before sawing off its tusks? The elephant is dead no matter what. The reason for its death is the tusks.

                If the goal is indeed to indiscriminately kill animals to reduce their population, the solution isn't to create a market for artificial selective population pressure. This is why elephants are evolving to have smaller tusks: these are the ones that survive the gaze of ivory hunters.

                • wopazoo [he/him]
                  8 months ago

                  Also that the ivory trade would be marginally okay if the hunters and poachers ate a little elephant meat before sawing off its tusks?

                  literally nobody said that

                  The elephant is dead no matter what.

                  And the deer is dead no matter what. Why not use the body for something useful?

                  • muddi [he/him]
                    8 months ago

                    literally nobody said that

                    I'm following your ethical logic. The killing itself is not bad, but how much you use the corpse. Doing nothing with it is bad. Doing something is better. Using all of it is best?

                    And the deer is dead no matter what. Why not use the body for something useful?

                    Because using it for something useful is what caused it to be dead in the first place

            • muddi [he/him]
              8 months ago

              One time a raccoon crawled under my home and died. We threw it out. Did I waste the resource? Maybe I could have made a quick buck, or saved a few dollars on a meal?

              • wopazoo [he/him]
                8 months ago

                One time a raccoon crawled under my home and died. We threw it out. Did I waste the resource?

                Animals that die of disease are obviously not the same as healthy animals that are killed. If you kill a healthy deer and then just leave its body to rot, you are wasting the body.

                People eat roadkill. The animal is already dead. You might as well do something with the body.