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  • Mardoniush [she/her]
    5 months ago

    Others have given good answers about the effects of False Consciousness on minority members of the Labour Aristocracy (or PMC, if we absolutely must.)

    But I think Fanon makes some great points in Black Skin, White Masks about how minorities in privileged positions often develop a separate ideological superstructure of natural inferiority that maintains their oppression as part of the imperialist framework.

    I posit that in imperial core countries, this can interact with the false consciousness of the Labour Aristocracy in a positive feedback loop, the self justification of the LA reinforcing that countries and cultures without dominant LA ideological structures are inherently inferior and in turn, that the minority has "risen above" this.

    tl;dr If you hate yourself, then anything good that happens to you must be white institutions.

    The solution of course is radical solidarity across the working class while acknowledging that even in the imperial core, anti (neo)colonial struggle must be waged. Easy to say, hard to do.