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  • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]
    8 months ago

    There are two potential outcomes here.

    1: ICJ makes a preliminary ruling that Israel must cease its genocidal activities while the case gets a full hearing. Ultimately, the UN Security Council is responsible for enforcement, where the US holds veto power. The preliminary ruling, along with any final verdict years down the line will lack meaningful enforcement, demonstrating the uselessness of the institution.

    2: ICJ makes a preliminary ruling in Israel's favor, demonstrating the uselessness of the institution.

    Palestinian liberation will only come through direct action. Armed struggle. But it doesn't hurt for the impotence of these institutions to be put on display, and regardless of outcomes, the exercise of arguing the case is important.

    • silent_water [she/her]
      8 months ago

      1 is the better outcome because it allows the global south to argue that the US is not the world's enforcer of the rules based international order and it hastens multipolarity.

    • oktherebuddy
      7 months ago

      imo this ruling is only good for not giving liberals anywhere to hide, rhetorically, and giving cover to people in liberal institutions to more openly call out israel. I hope it leads to more than that but not optimistic.