Some games from the past play a lot worse in hindsight than others. What recent, decently-liked video games do you expect to suffer this curse?
Some games from the past play a lot worse in hindsight than others. What recent, decently-liked video games do you expect to suffer this curse?
I still play old good games like Super Mario World and Donkey Kong Country, though. I do think that most pre-16bit games are absolute dogshit, though. The NES has SMB 1-3 and not much else worth playing except as a historical curiosity.
Contra and Punch Out were pretty good on NES, I also like recommending Klax to people who enjoy puzzle games because it's pretty unique and fun!
Contra is another good one. Punch-Out as a game is really bare bones and the experience wears thin once the quirky characters get old, for me. Haven't played Klax so I can't comment.
Play Wario's Woods!
90% of everything is crap, media from 10+ years ago seems better because we remember morrowind and forget azurik
just a heads up, Morrowind and Azurik were over twenty years ago, not just ten. I know you put a plus, but this is a fun opportunity to all commiserate about getting old!
yeah i said 10+ because it takes that long for the effect to start happening and i can't remember a good/mid pair like that from 2014
i'll remember how bad mass effect 3's ending was forever though.
Baseball from the NES is my favorite sports game. The pure joy and fun I get from playing that with a friend has not equal in any other sports game.
recently made a RetroPie console with a thin client i had nothing else to do with. Downloaded a bunch of NES, SNES, 64, and GC games. NES games suck dude. Even SNES games, for the most part. a few hits, but even then, the hits were just because i had on nostalgia glasses.
lmao it's true, but that just makes it all the more special when you discover something like Metal Storm which genuinely rips even though nobody heard of it when it came out.
Megaman didn't age well
based tbh
Kirby's Adventure was an all-timer. Still a joy to play.
Another great one I forgot