
  • FuckyWucky [none/use name]
    5 months ago

    For me, reactionaries facing divorce will always be funny.

    Like, look at what happened to Musk post-divorce.

    • Runcible [none/use name]
      5 months ago

      Yeah, I get that part. I just have been thinking more about the whole "world's most divorced man" formula and divorce jokes lately. I've had two friends go through divorces recently and have been trying to be more aware of how people talk about it and what message these jokes are sending.

      • FuckyWucky [none/use name]
        5 months ago

        For normal people, divorce is a tragedy.

        For billionaires and fascists, divorce is a farce.

      • pumpchilienthusiast [comrade/them, any]
        5 months ago

        have been trying to be more aware of how people talk about it and what message these jokes are sending.

        which is what? "don't be a misogynist reactionary mra weirdo?"

        • Runcible [none/use name]
          5 months ago

          I guess what I'm saying is that this is the "civility" approach to the same worldview as mra weirdos