See also evil Putler in shiny jacket


  • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
    5 months ago

    Well, I have to say that I don't like Putin because he's a reactionary capitalist, but having Kim in an ad like this just reeks of lib shit. What has he done outside of the usual ”he's an authoritarian evil dictator” lines?

    Did they also criticize Bush and Obama for destroying Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya while not being vegan or is that just reserved for the non-western leaders? Disclaimer: im-vegan btw, so it's not like I'm a ”PETA bad” lib, but to me this is lib bootlicking garbage.

    I also think it'd be more effective to show Biden in a leather jacket, maybe show some of those turkey pardoning rituals. That'd be more along the ”people who wear leather are dangerous” lines, but something tells me they don't want to show the POTUS as dangerous 🙄

      5 months ago

      They really, really believe that he'll have your entire family blown up with an anti-aircraft gun or eaten alive by dogs or something if you speak out against the regime. It's basically religious dogma (insert parenti quote).