Black coffee made from instant coffee is understandably horrifying and tastes like ammonia smells, but have you considered fresh coffee? I don't mean filter coffee, either, the filter paper absorbs all of the tasty coffee oils, leaving only an ashy aftertaste, I'm talking espresso, moka pot, greek / turkish coffee and french press.

Similarly, if you normally find that you hate dark chocolate, perhaps it is because your chocolate is made with slave labour and also not very good.

I am currently enjoying a fine ten year old aged Java. It is very tasty, and I highly recommend.

  • idkmybffjoeysteel [he/him]
    8 months ago

    Honestly there should be mandatory food tasting classes at school because I can keep going forever.

    Don't like salad? Probably haven't had a nice salad.

    Don't like olives? Yeah, cheap supermarket olives taste like battery acid.

    Don't like tomatoes? What about the freshest looking plum tomatoes?

    Parents introduce food to their kids in the worst possible ways and nobody knows how to cook. Brussel sprouts are an obvious example, but I didn't even know I liked fried tomatoes until I was in my 20s.

    This obviously all applies to alcohol as well. Vodka, whiskey, tequila? Probably what you are drinking is just not very good. Polish vodka museum was very educational.

    • heartheartbreak [fae/faer]
      8 months ago

      Lowkey an america skill issue. We have no idea what food is even supposed to taste like and prob millions have lived their whole lives and died not knowing even a fraction of what good food is like. The state of food in this country is genuinely a crime beyond human comprehension and this place should be obliterated

      • idkmybffjoeysteel [he/him]
        8 months ago

        While I have tried enough American food to agree (Red Vines), and also disagree (Hot Cheetos and Takis), I am more concerned with my coworkers in the UK who insist on drinking sour instant coffee with the lid left off without milk or sugar.

      • LaGG_3 [he/him, comrade/them]
        8 months ago

        Yeah, my partner and I often compare what we ate as kids to what our preschooler eats now and it's ridiculous.

        It's not just a money thing, too, we make relatively less money than my parents did at this age.

      • Mardoniush [she/her]
        8 months ago

        My friend gave up eating bread in America because even the organic local bakery-sourced bakery had shocking levels of sugar and just tasted like cake. Like fuck some places added sugar to their sourdough!

        • idkmybffjoeysteel [he/him]
          8 months ago

          Dude you know I starting baking bread and all the resources online are written for and by Americans so I was so confused when I couldn't find unbleached flour in the UK. It turns out that the reason why is that all flour in the UK in unbleached, because it is illegal to bleach it here. Apparently that is also why we cannot easily get products like Twinkies and Hot Cheetos, because they are made with bleached materials, they aren't fit for the UK market.

          All the instructions for making sourdough also say to use filtered water, like from a bottle. Turns out the reason for this is that American tap water is so heavily bleached that it will kill the yeast. Our water is chlorinated too but like, to an acceptable level.