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  • Deadend [he/him]
    5 months ago

    These are not the reason it’s going to be bad.

    It’s going to be bad because it will try and be gritty in a setting that is goofy for the most part and a BEAR is a weird animal because it’s just a plain old bear.

    Yes, avatar can be serious at times, but the characters.

    • HarryLime [any]
      5 months ago

      These are not the reason it’s going to be bad.

      It's going to be bad for the reasons you say, but removing the stories and character arcs that deal with sexism and patriarchy is one of the reasons it will be bad. I'm sorry, but I stand by that.

      5 months ago

      I don’t think any adaptation would live up to expectations.

      As soon as you put a kid in avatar costumes, I think it won’t feel the same as the cartoon Aang had. I actually think the medium of animation helps the show a lot beyond heat the story and characters.

      The shots of the actors in their costumes feel… costumey… and it doesn’t really feel whole. It’s like the King Charles coronation photos, with all the modern day cameras they feel underwhelming.