Assuming America exists in 20 years blah blah blah

  • @Great_Leader_Is_Dead
    5 months ago

    I actually don't think so.

    Trump is too crass, undignified, and the cult of personality he formed around him is too grotesque and embarrassing. He's too aesthetically distasteful to Libs for them to ever embrace him.

    • Hello_Kitty_enjoyer [none/use name]
      5 months ago

      Well ignoring the fact that the US won't exist in 20 years:

      Libs of the future (like the next 4 years or so) could absolutely end up rehabilitating Trump. Imagine a world where Biden wins again, a bunch of rural mostly cracker states withdraw from the union, and Trump dies before the secession happens

      libs would jump at the chance to post-mortem idolize Trump as the crazy guy who just wanted to kick out some Mexicans, compared to the lunatic wignats running the Texas-Florida corridor in 2028.