Last night she was coughing in a manner my asleep brain read as "gross", so unconsciously noped the fuck out of there and slept on the sofa. I can't believe my non-awake brain got it.

She tested positive a few hours ago, so now I just have 7 days to worry. I probably have it, I feel a bit off already.

I know that it's more than most people, but she was wearing low quality masks, going to a non-safe dentist at peak times, and avoiding the booster. I've been nicely pushing her for years, and she brings this shit home. She's also sorry, and I say it's fine because I want her to feel better and recover, but secretly I'm fucking raging.

Sorry to rant. Better on Hexbear than out loud.

  • Clippy [comrade/them, he/him]
    5 months ago

    If you wear glasses they're pretty much impossible to wear.

    if you coat a thin layer of dish washing soap on the inside of the lens they will not fog up

    • Hello_Kitty_enjoyer [none/use name]
      5 months ago

      it's not about the fogging, it's about the fit.

      The traditional "rigid type" N95 naturally fits at the nose root/start of the nose bridge, which is exactly where eyeglasses pads are resting.

      Because it's rigid, it's hard to make it fit at any other point along the nose