I recuse myself from any epistemological claims about any super human entities controlling the universe, but Jesus has been wielded as as tool of the ruling class. When you use Jesus and behave exactly like the devil, the word Jesus is going to win out every time

I’m sure the same applies to every prophet ever. Again, claim what you want about a God, but that’s personally a question I’d worry about after dealing with how to allocate resources in what we know as the natural world.

Like, damn. Haven’t there been a lot of Jesuses throughout history? This seems almost too obvious to point out, but back in my edgy atheist era, I noticed how most people were just as focused on getting people to not believe in something as religious people are to convert people

Quick aside-I’m getting older and whatever and it seems like I’m noticing more stuff, and centrists are the equivalent of my stance on the non-physical world but for everything causing detriment to people in the real world. Silly billy stuff if you ask me

  • Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]
    5 months ago

    I can see people in history doing that but, it's so weird to me. Idk, maybe it was because I never really had much exposure to Christianity before I left it as an atheist. After that point I always looked at him in the terms a historical figure who's positions I don't entirely agree with. I have a bit of sympathy for the people like him who lived in a premodern world and tried to resist imperial oppression with whatever limited worldview they had.