
  • Awoo [she/her]
    5 months ago

    The only way I see a game like this working is if you take the formula of Mount and Blade then put it on the ocean. It would be a bit like Starsector but not in space.

    Probably need to make it fictional and invent your own geography for it though.

    • kleeon [he/him, he/him]
      5 months ago

      I was imagining something akin to X series of games, but set in the caribbeans.

      • You can own entire fleets of merchant and mlitary ships.

      • Cargo has to phiscally move around by sea from one port town to another. Pricing is based on supply and demand. Commodities are both produced and consumed by things like population/wharves/ships/etc. Actual economy.

      • Various factions can go to war and take over each other's colonial possessions. Imagine working as a privateer for Spain and sinking a British ship carrying essential war materiale. Not only you got some money from Spain, but you also tangibly damaged the British war effort.

      • You can build little pirate towns or take over the existing settlements. These towns can be upgraded to produce various commodities.

      Would love to play something like that. But we both know that Ubisoft is just going to make yet another Ubisoft game

      • Awoo [she/her]
        5 months ago

        Yeah this basically describes Starsector. Especially modded.

        Putting Starsector into 3d on the ocean would really appeal to people.