Phrases like thin privilege seem weird to me. and I noticed that leftist sre quicker to assume are sctionarcy skinny.

I whould have thought it have been the opposite? outside the west arent the poorest people skinny? not saying that weight determines you as privileged or not.

  • Magician [he/him, they/them]
    8 months ago


    Skinny from involuntary malnutrition is considered less desirable than skinny from overexercise or abstaining from food.

    And that's different from being considered a healthy weight (skewed by unrealistic body standards like when actors dehydrate themselves for muscle definition).

    The hate for involuntarily malnourished people and the hate for fat people in general are classist at its root.

    Take things like food deserts in the US. If I don't have a car, I can't store perishable food in a safe location, or I'm overworked to the point I can't prepare meals, I'm gonna go for the fast, cheap, and easy. Drive thru, frozen dinner, or something I can get in bulk for cheap. That's gonna affect the way my body looks.

    People see that as me making a moral failing when it's just pressure from outside systems. And that's not even getting into things like abuse or trauma that can cause an eating disorder.

    With skinny people, you can at least pretend you're making a moral victory by appearing to have some control over your body and health. It's a lot like being able to pass. It's a lot harder to justify your existence when you're fat in a lot of the world.

    • Ehabrexa1
      8 months ago

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      • macerated_baby_presidents [he/him]
        8 months ago

        A AMAB person whould not be praised for being skinny even if they told people they exercise but only if they have muscles.

        that's not even true. twinks are praised and desired for being skinny, no muscles required

        you need to stop separating people into fat and skinny. there's more than two categories. Someone who's fit and works out is not treated (or analyzed by leftists) in the same way as someone who is starving

        • Ehabrexa1
          8 months ago

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          • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
            8 months ago

            Muscular men get over emphasized bc of toxic masculinity/patriarchy for exactly the same reason skinny women are: it’s to appeal to straight men.

            Muscular men’s physiques are aspirational to straight men but they aren’t generally seen as more attractive by women and gay men in the way that skinny women are to het men.

            At least not in my experience, all of the women and gay men I’ve ever known are much more accepting and diverse in the body types they find attractive than hetmen are.

            It’s a very common refrain in het male circles that they got super muscular and experienced exactly 0 more interest from women but had a lot of dudes coming up like “woah nice pecs bro”

            • Ehabrexa1
              8 months ago

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              • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
                8 months ago

                Lmao this is incel shit

                edit: also

                its myth that feminime men are more attartive

                never heard of Kpop i guess lol

                My response to the reply since removed by mods in case you come back:

                It is generally true even outside of progressive spaces, I’m not talking from experience in those spaces, I don’t have any in my irl life

                Women do plenty to uphold patriarchy sure but that particular kind of attraction brainworm doesn’t really work on them bc the appeal isn’t for them actually it’s for men. If they’re upholding patriarchal body standards it’s typically policing each others body types from internalized misogyny

                This is observably true bc you don’t see women blowing up their chances with men bc they’re not muscular enough or saying shit like “I wont even look at a dude unless his biceps are bigger than his head!” Like you do with straight men.

                If I had a dollar from every person who ascribes to the idea that attraction is some written in stone thing based on some Adonis ideal (a very cishet male way of viewing attraction) being completely confused about a woman dating some guy with a body type outside of that i could push the communism button myself

                • Ehabrexa1
                  8 months ago

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      • Magician [he/him, they/them]
        8 months ago

        I don't think anyone here is saying that, but we're a leftist space and not a liberal/progressive space.

        And what you're describing is the way poverty manifests in different places. Skinny people could have an eating disorder or struggle to afford food enough to maintain a safe body weight, but it's a no-win situation however you look when you're poor.

        It's a Morton's Fork situation. If you're fat and homeless, you obviously don't need support because you are eating enough. I'd you're skinny and homeless, you're probably abusing drugs or spending money on booze instead of food.

        In the US at least, because that's my only point of lived experience, if you're fat, you're not working hard. There is this weird math in play that says it doesn't matter how much you eat if you exercise hard enough to balance it out.

        You can be skinny, but if you can't do your job then you're weak and considered useless. Remarks against skinny people hurt, as does any body shaming, but there isn't the same history of shaming in the US. I think that comes from the warped misunderstanding of work ethic and the signs of work on the human body.

        • Magician [he/him, they/them]
          8 months ago

          Just as an example of things I see more as a gay man - "no fat, no fem, white only" is something that is still common on the apps. There is probably an intersection where skinny falls under 'fem' but it's not explicitly called out in the same way.