Phrases like thin privilege seem weird to me. and I noticed that leftist sre quicker to assume are sctionarcy skinny.

I whould have thought it have been the opposite? outside the west arent the poorest people skinny? not saying that weight determines you as privileged or not.

  • Othello [comrade/them, love/loves]
    4 months ago

    skinny people are not skinny because of their choice

    sure I agree with that but I just feel like this whole convo is veering a bit reductive. there's clearly a lot of nuance, and every single country is different. plus there are different levels of poverty of course. also last thought. if you live in the west, and your talking about your healthcare system I think its ok to just talk about your country's conditions, I think everyone understands that things are different in like mail then in America.

    • @Ehabrexa1
      4 months ago

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      • Othello [comrade/them, love/loves]
        4 months ago

        yeah im very sorry but i do not understand what you are trying to say at all besides the sidenote. also I in no way was making an accusation it was a genuine question, that im still courious about, i wanted to know where you were coming from because what you are describing is so different then my experiences. If you have been in a counrty thats in civil war i think that would explain the disconnect. most working poor people are not in those conditions. i added a tone indicator. but yeah its a very valid question that was meant with no hostillity.

        • @Ehabrexa1
          4 months ago

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