• InevitableSwing [none/use name]
    4 months ago

    Oh, god.

    After the shooting I can hear a MSNBC talking head squawking...

    "More than one million Americans tragically died of covid. Trump killed most of them. That's context. Let's focus on what's important - the election. After the election he's gonna have a trial and we can get down to brass tacks. But for now it's a given we must stop fascism. What's one more dead American in comparison to that?..."


    Actually - it's totally bizarre to me in this election season how covid deaths along with long covid are entirely ignored. Then again covid doesn't have a flag, a country, or even a language and we can't get revenge by literally going to war against it. It seems to me ignoring all the covid suffering and death is the strongest example of bipartisanship that currently exists in the US.

      • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
        4 months ago

        Even when the spotlight was on - Americans were still asleep to a lot of stuff. As far as I know - Biden's infrastructure bill budgeted effectively nothing for upgrading buildings to have better filtration and ventilation. Climate change will cause expected and sudden problems. We could have another "once in a century" pandemic just a decade or two from now. And if there's no magic bullet vaccine like for covid - Biden will have fucked the US from beyond the grave.


        • 0x0520 [he/him]
          4 months ago

          There wasn't even a magic bullet vaccine for covid. Its a better-than-nothing vaccine that wears off in 3 months, but Capital needs meat for the grinder sooo...