kim-cool dprk-stare

  • Dolores [love/loves]
    5 months ago

    Isn't this just the "I was poor so I had no choice to join the military and kill even poorer brown people" sentiment?

    if they were in the CIA trafficking to fund counterrevolutionaries, maybe. normal traffickers are not an imperial attack, it's standard consequences from inequality. the laws that allow your schadenfreud wrt aussie traffickers kill way more people from the poor country

      5 months ago

      Individual punishments for systemic problems are not based. I don't really care who is getting punished, I want things fixed.

      If some poor sod carrying like 1 one millionth of the world's heroin is executed in Indonesia or just rots in some hell gaol back home I'm outraged. They aren't responsible for this hell world we live in where people choose oblivion over engagement, they aren't even important to the machinery of the drug trade, they're just some idiot.

      There are actual things worth getting mad about in this world and low level drug dealers don't fucking matter. They're a symptom, not a cause.