I dealt with two warts on my feet. The answer is liquid wart remover over many months. The trick that worked for me was 6 days of application and one day without. The whole idea is to get your skin to grow the wart out. Salicylic acid is the active ingredient in wart remover.
On application days, I would put it on after a shower. The liquid medicine will harden up until its dry to the touch. The shell "should" stay put, but you can put a cover on once it dries.
On the day without I would use a pumice stone to gently whittle down a layer or two of skin. Don't use the stone anywhere else, it can be infectious.
I dealt with two warts on my feet. The answer is liquid wart remover over many months. The trick that worked for me was 6 days of application and one day without. The whole idea is to get your skin to grow the wart out. Salicylic acid is the active ingredient in wart remover.