Not related to online interactions but IRL i want to be an actual ghost. A creature living in the walls. Burrow a collection of interconnected tunnels to scuttle around in. Live in an underground bunker never to be found again.

I've been considering getting a really remote and lonely job just so I don't have to deal with being seen in my work hours.

Sometimes i daydream about being able to just slip into a pocket dimension where its just me and walk around the world just looking at things with no one else around. Or even just being a ghost would be rly cool. Just float anywhere and look at stuff

  • WayeeCool [comrade/them]
    5 months ago

    Symptoms of social alienation. Surrounded by people but all alone in an atomized society. No meaningful connections to form, a social contract where by default we owe no one and no one owes us. Social structures and communities we exist in rather than belonging to. Outside an isolated nuclear family every relationship is one where we are meant to be in competition rather than cooperation. Why not become a ghost in a society like this one, especially when one lacks the antisocial/psychopathic and narcissistic traits it rewards?