The fuck?

  • dannoffs [he/him]
    7 months ago

    Arguing Jesus didn't exist is such a reddit atheist brain rot discussion, especially on a forum where almost everyone is an atheist anyway. You're not convincing anyone of anything, you're just being cringe.

      • dannoffs [he/him]
        7 months ago

        No. My whole point is that it's a stupid and immaterial argument to have.

      • Wheaties [she/her]
        7 months ago

        Can you definitively prove Bill Shakespeare wasn't a pseudonym? That Marie Antoinette wasn't a fabrication by French Republicans? Or that Socrates was a real guy?

        Dig enough and, for practically all historical figures, you are just taking it on faith that these were real people; that the records we have are not the product of some wildly elaborate fiction. Either you make your peace with that bedrock of ambiguity, or you might as well start watching videos about how the Pyramids were actually where aliens kept their barley reserves.