apparently I'm in the top 75,000 users and potential dumb money

    • WayeeCool [comrade/them]
      4 months ago

      My account is almost 20 years old, tens of thousands of comments, and has millions karma. From what other people have said, it seems 400,000 comment karma or higher puts you in top 75,000.

      Was active for years on certain hobby and technical subreddits, although a few years ago all those subreddits have gone from hundreds of thousands of subscribers with thousands of active users to ghost towns. Site really did go to shit for the only stuff it was actually useful for.

      • Elon_Musk [none/use name]
        4 months ago

        Man hexbear really should ban you. How did you make it 20 years without being banned several times over like me? I've lost count of how many accounts I've had.

        -Best Wishes, Elon Musk