what are things in your life you never got an answer to? I'll give an example:

In college I had a semester abroad in Germany. A week before we had to go back home someone took a huge dump in the laundry room. We never ended up finding out who it was lol. And not that it's haunted me, but it just pops up occaisionally in my brain and I'm like "damn who was it"?

  • an_engel_on_earth [he/him, they/them]
    4 months ago

    omg that is so fucking creepy! How long did you stay at the complex after that? Idk I would move immediately, I wouldn't feel safe knowing somebody was fucking with me like that.

    • Feinsteins_Ghost [he/him]
      4 months ago

      I ended up there about six months longer, then wnded up moving back to my hometown. I was perpetually nervous about getting in my car, i would look in my windows before inwould get in. I always expected it to just not be there one morning.