what are things in your life you never got an answer to? I'll give an example:

In college I had a semester abroad in Germany. A week before we had to go back home someone took a huge dump in the laundry room. We never ended up finding out who it was lol. And not that it's haunted me, but it just pops up occaisionally in my brain and I'm like "damn who was it"?

  • Feinsteins_Ghost [he/him]
    7 months ago

    Someone borrowed my car one night from an apartment complex.

    I used to own a 90s model Acura way back when. I went downstairs to get a pack of butts from the car, and found it was gone. So i called the police, filed a stolen car report. Called a friend, went looking for it to see if someone had ditched it nearby. Didnt find it, so i went to bed. Woke up the next morning, called a ride for work, and when i went outside to fet in my ride’s car, my fucking car was back, in its oarking spot. No damage to ignition cylinder or door lock cylinders.

    Several butts in the ashtray (back when cars came with ashtrays and cigarette lighters) that werent my brand, the seat was scooted into a different spot, all the mirrors adjusted for a taller driver. I called the police, they came, took some fingerprints, found a pocket knife that was not mine, and said that since it was returned i had likely loaned it to a friend and just didn’t remember or was being dishonest. That was that. I spent months afterwards waking up in the middle of the night, looking to see if my car was still there. This was just before 2000, and i never think of it now, but for years i wondered who in my complex had borrowed it, and whether they were watching and laughing as i puzzled over it.

    • an_engel_on_earth [he/him, they/them]
      7 months ago

      omg that is so fucking creepy! How long did you stay at the complex after that? Idk I would move immediately, I wouldn't feel safe knowing somebody was fucking with me like that.

      • Feinsteins_Ghost [he/him]
        7 months ago

        I ended up there about six months longer, then wnded up moving back to my hometown. I was perpetually nervous about getting in my car, i would look in my windows before inwould get in. I always expected it to just not be there one morning.

    • rootsbreadandmakka [he/him]
      7 months ago

      this happened to my neighbor. Someone, or some group, takes his truck out for a joyride one night and returns it in the morning. He has one of those ring cameras? I think he saw it all happen on there when he woke up.

  • Assian_Candor [comrade/them]
    7 months ago

    Only tangentially related but I often find myself thinking of life like a branching tree with every decision point being a new node. Things that in retrospect seem obvious are unclear in the moment. It’s always an interesting and somewhat melancholy thought experiment to think about where I might be had things tipped slightly differently, even if I am happy where i am now

  • rootsbreadandmakka [he/him]
    7 months ago

    In high school I took this sort of school-led community service trip to another country. Things got sorta raunchy on the last day, my friend ended up hooking up with these two girls in the grade above us.

    We got back to the usa, had like one day of rest then back to school. On that day back to school I got a text from a number not in my contacts, like first thing in the morning as I was walking to school, reading "hey did [friend] hook up with [girl] and [girl] in [country]?" I kept asking who it was texting me, and they kept saying shit like "your worst nightmare" or "nobody." I have a couple of possibilities of who it might've been, but they never told me their name. Sometimes that pops into my head and I wonder who it was.

    • rootsbreadandmakka [he/him]
      7 months ago

      you know what, I just figured out who it was. A guy who would have had my number but I didn't have his, didn't really like me that much and acted really passive aggressive towards me, would've been obsessed with gossip like this and who was hooking up with who, and had no other way to confirm whatever rumors were swirling around the school other than texting me. That fits the profile of one man perfectly.