• FunkyStuff [he/him]
    4 months ago

    But there's just no way Reddit NEEDS to be unprofitable. Lemmy is not exactly profitable, but because it's not bloated it can run on very little money. And it accomplishes the same as Reddit. Why can't we have nice things?

      • FuckyWucky [none/use name]
        4 months ago

        reddit relies on user generated content, if you make it paid there will be a fraction of the content there is currently.

        Communists don't understand that.

        I can understand it very well. For-profit ideology has crippled public infrastructure in almost every country implementing neoliberal policies. Enshittification is what happens when profit-seeking takes priority over everything else.

        Also, everyone on hexbear is a communist or at the very least left-leaning.

      • SUPAVILLAIN@lemmygrad.ml
        4 months ago

        And liberal death-cultists don't understand that not everything needs a profit motive at all costs, including the lives of those who toil for it but will never get to own it; see, I can do it too

      • the_post_of_tom_joad [any, any]
        4 months ago

        woah woah buddy don't go pokin the 'bear, unless you want an inbox full of full-throated explanations of what communism actually is, vs whatever your opinion might be. I'll restrict my diatribe to explain that one thing commies understand very well is the profit-motive based policies of todays world.

        The difference between you and I is probably a pretty small one, really. One of us has read a bit about what communism aspires to be as a system from the folks who tried to make it happen, and the history of propaganda and outright war against its very existence.

        • GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml
          4 months ago

          Mister, my English is not anywhere close to decent enough to understand most of the things you and the previous commenter said. I am not a communist. That's true. But I just didn't know (or didn't remember) it was a communistic community. I didn't mean to say that communism is wrong or anything like that in a communistic place. It would be ridiculous to do so, at least without serious training. And I could just make a mistake about you all too. Oh and if someone tries to spam me, report it is

          • the_post_of_tom_joad [any, any]
            4 months ago

            oops! well your english was good enough to fool me into thinking you were a native speaker, so take it as a compliment

            Oh and if someone tries to spam me, report it is

            Spam? No, you will get lots of responses from commies in here for insinuating "they don't get something" is all i am telling you, and a bunch of pissed off bears calling you a jerk for being ignorant will not be enough to convince a mod to remove them for you.

            I think mostly our difficulty is the language barrier. Welcome to lemmy! Have yourself a good day.

            • GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml
              4 months ago

              Thank you. Actually it's really nice that you're not being aggressive to me. There are a lot of people here (I think most of them are liberal) that are being aggressive when someone just has a different opinion. It's not ok. Anyways have a good day too

                • GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml
                  4 months ago

                  Well yes and no. Afaik some distros do use alternative core utils (Alpine is one of them I think?) so it's not correct to call ALL of them GNU/Linux. Though when it comes to desktop, everyone uses GNU so in that case it is GNU/Linux