That's it that's the post. I feel like I've basically run out of anime to watch that isn't either slice of life, isekai, or something that will emotionally break me. I watched one series of fate like maybe 15 years ago and can't remember anything about it. I just know there's a lot of it and that's basically it's only appeal to me right now. Something I can watch for a few months.

Is there something else that is long that I should go watch instead or is Fate worth watching.

  • Comp4 [comrade/them]
    4 months ago

    While I think Legend of the Galactic Heroes is amazing its also a bit of a time commitment. Like seriously It took me probably over 20 episodes till I started to think ...hey this is great. I do think its a good show but its also pretty dry. Cool if you like politics/history and space operas.

    • barrbaric [he/him]
      4 months ago

      Objectively true, but OP did say they were looking for something long.

      Unrelated, I had basically the opposite experience with both Fate Zero and UBW, where I thought "huh this could go somewhere" initially and then got bored like halfway through.

      • Comp4 [comrade/them]
        4 months ago

        Yeah I mean it more as a warning that if you dont "get it" within the first 10 episodes you gotta stick with it for a bit longer. I think there is really big pay-off but its not exactly a fast or high paced show. I think its easy to drop LotGH in those early episodes.