So I have a pen pal in Europe. She got pretty drunk on the phone the other day, and I stated on the phone with her to make sure she didn't leave her apartment....

Mid conversation she starts crying and telling me how much she appreciates not being a weirdo and trying to get nudes or other NSFW pictures out of her while she was drunk. She then just kept talking about how she likes my southern accent and how it's cute. But that even when she's not drunk, she can detect a sadness to it. She repeated this like 10 times because she was pretty drunk.

Eventually she fell asleep, I heard her snoring through the phone and went to sleep myself

I felt so bad and it hurt my heart that she feels like she has to think me for being a decent human being.

I also am a bit worried she's starting to get feelings for me.. I love her as a friend, but I can't do the long distance thing. She's attractive to me and a good soul, but yeah no long distance romance for me

sigh God why do I get these situations handed to me.