Hunger Games is about revolutionary anti-imperial class struggle

George Lucas said the Empire is inspired by America and the Rebels by the Viet Minh

The Matrix was created by a trans woman and at least partly an allegory for being trans

Divergent is shitty lib fanfiction but very obviously anti-conservative

Alan Moore was a communist or anarchist

wow these movies are just like January 6th when we resisted communism by smearing our shit on the capitol walls!! so-true biaoqing-copium


  • sir_this_is_a_wendys [he/him]
    4 months ago

    What a fucking coward. Most of them say liberalism is a mental disorder (true), this loser changed it to leftism.

    Also I want to say that when I learned about capitalism, US hegemony, US propaganda, etc., I did think about the matrix a lot.