Lately, I’ve been realizing I’m really fucking unfunny, and I genuinely think that quality is important when building any type of relationship with someone, friendship or otherwise. I know people always say that there are no “rules” but I genuinely believe they don’t understand how neurodivergent people view rules, but it seems that there is one rule guiding everything. Because a shit ton of anything in life comes down to verbal delivery. I can speak fine, but the tone of my voice has been the source for a shit ton of trauma.

  • NewLeaf
    7 months ago

    One thing I'm running into is that I'm 35 and humor has changed. I dont mean that we can't say G*mar words or be rude, I just mean that the internet dictates what's funny now, and creativity in jokes is not working for me anymore. Fads in humor (and really everything) come and go so quick, it's bonkers!

    I guess maybe my references are too old and my jokes are too esoteric