Stay away from Benadryl, folks.

Kratom is cool if you’re trying to quit opiates or alcohol.

I can’t recommend kava if you don’t live in a place where it’s cheap, but if that isn’t an issue it has reverse tolerance and actually gets more fun the more you use it.

  • BigHaas [he/him]
    7 months ago

    Morning glory is super interesting, there's lots of different routes of administration and they give different experiences.

    Eating the seeds gives a sedating trip with lots of nausea.

    Making a quick cold water extraction gives a less sedating trip.

    Making an extraction with fresh sherry wine then stirring in peppermint extract results in the drug LSA being converted into LSH, the far more visually psychedelic drug. Fresh mg seeds have more LSH but it degrades into LSA over time.

    Sprouting the seeds then eating the seedlings gives a strong trip with little naseau.

    Smoking the seeds gives a subtle high which is absolutely bizarre and should not work because the lysergine molecules are very very fragile to heat.

    I've only tried morning glory a few times as a simple cold water extraction, but vomited every time too early to really absorb the dose.

    • dat_math [they/them]M
      7 months ago

      and should not work

      I agree and I'm curious if you have a hypothesis. Does the high feel similar to others induced by lysergamides? Have you ever had an IV lysergamide experience?

    • GinAndJuche
      7 months ago

      Fascinating, I may have to look into this more. Does it have deleterious health effects?

      • BigHaas [he/him]
        7 months ago

        There's a good bit of body load. The related plant Hawaiian Baby Woodrose has seeds that also have LSA and they're more potent but I think with those there is some toxicity concern? Or maybe just worse body load... It's nothing to worry about unless done frequently

        • Darthsenio_Mall [he/him]
          7 months ago

          I had a pretty crazy trip on hbwr seeds. They took ages to hit, like five hours. I was convinced they were weak or totally bunk and upped the dose at a few points and ended up taking 17.

          Started having truly wild stomach cramps, felt like I was being stabbed. Lifted up my shirt and looked in the mirrior and my abs were contracting comically visibly from left to right. "THAT CAN'T BE GOOD" i thought as I automatically assumed toilet-hugging position, my home for the next two hours as I tried to force myself to throw up and the "call your parents and 911, you've poisoned yourself" devil/the "you've read everything there is to read on the internet about these, it'll be fine later" angel on my shoulders waged war.

          "OoOo you might feel sick before the trip starts, some people throw up. It can cause muscle cramping". <-- very funny jokes told by a demon. Two hours of excruciating pain later i finally threw up, rocketed to the verge of breakthrough psychedelic territory and had a super fun time for the next 12ish hours. Fell asleep for a couple hours and woke up still mildly tripping through a dentist appointment and half of my shift.

          10/10 would not do it again.