Perfect no notes mama-miba

  • Egon [they/them]
    3 months ago

    It was a lot of fun to be able to copy paste the same dunk on the deluge of dummies that would write variants of "oh very interesting that you meet me with this much hostility, simply for challenging your worldview"

    Spent a lot of time spelling out to them that, no, saying "putler bad" isn't challenging anything and the hostility they experience actually comes from the fact that they're saying the same shit as every other uneducated person and people are tired of smug assholes thinking the smell of their farts is an innovative and insightful contribution.

      3 months ago

      “oh very interesting that you meet me with this much hostility, simply for challenging your worldview”

      Courtesy of peoples who meet us with hostility simply for challenging their worldview

      Show xi pointing at the screen

      They are so smug and terminally lib that they think they don't have to study the political system of a country nor the conditions it exists in in order to understand it, they just need to check the vibes and they are suddenly a turboscholar on the politics and economy of a country they didn't knew existed 2 weeks ago.