• ped_xing [he/him]
    3 months ago

    I already did it. If you've ever used Monster as a mixer for vodka or soju, it's exactly that flavor. There's no caffeine nor any of their "energy blend," so we're not going to see a repeat of Four Loko chaos. I was going to say that I overpaid for a decaf Monster cocktail, but it looks like they discontinued the caffeine-free version so this might be the only way to get such a thing.

    • Nationalgoatism [he/him]
      3 months ago

      Wait is decaf lmao. Isn't the caffeine the whole point of drinking monster?

      • dRLY [none/use name]
        3 months ago

        That's what I always get annoyed by when brands known for caffeine get into alcohol. Is it bad to mix a high or kind of high level of caffeine with alcohol given the Four Loko stuff? For sure. But shit is basically false advertising for these things. I don't drink energy drinks for the taste, and there are much better things to mix if that is the point of this drink. It isn't even a very high percent in the first place. So calling it "The Beast" is also lame af. I am guessing it is perfect for the teens that already drink a lot of regular Monsters to jump to and looks enough like the non-alcohol versions to be easy to sneak.

      • ped_xing [he/him]
        3 months ago

        Yeah, but a caffeine-alcohol combo is the sort of thing the CIA would market to destabilize other countries, so the US banned prepackaged drinks with both in 2010.

    • WashedAnus [he/him]
      3 months ago

      Yeah, back in the day we would buy a BFC of Monster, drink like a quarter of it, and fill it up with vodka. I had the worst hangover of my teenage years when I drank this instead of water on a five mile trek to a concert in like July.