So I'm complaining at work that my manager double ordered truck instead of teaching me how to put in the order, and she's taken two vacations, cuz she lives with her son and can afford to, and I'm stuck in this shithole while my fam is 6 hours away, literally all my nephews and nieces, sibs, etc.

So then I get a call from my manager, WHO'S ON VACATION, telling me not to bad mouth her in front of customers. So either a customer or a coworker snitched on me for venting.

Fuck this nazi ass country amerikkka, people cant mind their own business.

Cool bug fact bug-facts the Third Reich germany-cool relied on this shit, snitching, to get their victims, the gestapo had far less agents than say the GDR GDR or the Soviets soviet-huff, they just relied on informants. Is this relevant? Idk but I'm pissed, watch your words

  • TheDoctor [they/them]
    3 months ago

    Organizer 101: Make note of where the workplace cameras are. They tend to be in the places where workers gather to talk to each other.