• TreadOnMe [none/use name]
    3 months ago

    If Biden wins it will be because he convinced morons like you that "Abortion is on the ballot". It must be nice to have no thoughts and just repeat advertising slogans. Do you just have "Eat Fresh" playing on loop in your head as well?

    If abortion is on the ballot, then go vote for that actual policy in your state. There is no way to guarantee that Democrats protect abortion rights even if elected, and their track record is piss poor. Electing Biden will do nothing about abortion in individual states, and we know that because he isn't doing shit about those restrictions now.

    • @Zetta@mander.xyz
      3 months ago

      I mean I'll be voting for Biden mainly because Trump's a dictator wannabe (you guys like that right?) and Biden has sorta done an okay job supporting Ukraine with military aid, which I also support. Abortion is on the ballot in my state so I will be voting to support that as well.

        • @Zetta@mander.xyz
          3 months ago

          I think you're joking but I honestly have no idea what you folks are saying 68% of the time

            • @Zetta@mander.xyz
              3 months ago

              ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ you all just use lingo, jokes, and references I don't understand, I'm not proud to be ignorant but ok

              • Egon [they/them]
                3 months ago

                Then educate yourself.

                you all just use lingo, jokes, and references I don't understand

                Oh no! Has the niche online webforum cultivated a unique culture? Egads!

                Go back to reddit

                • @Zetta@mander.xyz
                  3 months ago

                  Lol well me interacting here is partially because I find hexbear interesting and I want to know more. I deleted my reddit account the day they disabled 3rd party apps :'(. I like Lemmy

                  • AOCapitulator [they/them]
                    3 months ago

                    If you really felt this way you could try, I dunno, asking fucking questions?

                    Waltzing into a leftist space and flaunting how politically illiterate you are while being inflammatory and without asking earnest questions is such a ridiculous move to make and then complain when people got mad

                  • Egon [they/them]
                    3 months ago

                    If you liked it here or were interested then you'd exhibit a better attitude, fuck you and your condescension.

              • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
                3 months ago

                I love to make unfounded claims about the politics of the people I'm talking to, and let them know how much I'm going to gloat about me being right and then being wrong, even though I admittedly don't understand anything they're saying.

                You are absolutely proud of your ignorance.

      • Egon [they/them]
        3 months ago

        Trump's a dictator wannabe (you guys like that right?)

        Ah fuck, you got us. Superb dunk.

        How can it be that you guys are all writing the same tired dogbrained cardboard cutout milquetoast shit, yet you all think you're somehow the first to do it? How can you be this much of a basicass lib and still think you have any unique or new thoughts to share? At least try, please. Spend like 20 minutes of effort learning what the viewpoint you're critiqueing is, your dunks would be so much better. You guys never do though, and why? Are you afraid you might learn something?

      • panopticon [comrade/them]
        3 months ago

        Biden has sorta done an okay job supporting Ukraine with military aid, which I also support

        You support a fascist coup regime

        I'll be voting for Biden

        You support genocide

        • @Zetta@mander.xyz
          3 months ago

          ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't believe Ukraine is a fascist coup regime, in fact I think that's a better description of Russia except the coup part, Putin just has total control anyway.

          Either way since you seem to support Russia I will just state how much I love seeing the significant material and personnel loss Russia is suffering in the invasion. It is astonishing how significantly Ukraine has degraded their capabilities and displaced their status as one of the best armies in the world, and I honestly cannot wait to see what Ukraine does next.

          I don't know what my favorite part is, Ukraine destroying/disabling Russia's entire black sea fleet (they are too scared to use their remaining ships since they have lost so many) or that Ukraine has removed 10% (maybe up to 15% so far https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-strikes-may-have-hit-15-russian-refinery-capacity-nato-official-2024-04-04/) of Russia's refinery capacity with drone strikes, and that number will continue to grow.

          • uSSRI [he/him]
            3 months ago

            Lmao "concerned" about genocide and cheering on fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian child. Fuck you for being excited about war.

          • Egon [they/them]
            3 months ago

            Who gives a shit what you believe. Educate yourself before you open your mouth.
            The current government of Ukraine was literally installed via a coup in 2014. Do you not know your history? The US government hand-picked their stooges to run the place, a conversation between then assistant secretary of state victoria nuland and some other ghoul was leaked confirming this very thing https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-2607995
            Why do you think both Trump and Bidens corruption scandals were embroiled in Ukraine?

            Do not speak on things you do not know of. History didn't start on October 7th nor did it start at the invasion of ukraine.

            The fact that you try to make this about Russia is only worse, you're employing a poor rhetorical trick to misdirect the conversation to one of moral value with no relation to material analysis. No one here supports Russia, this a LGBTQ safe space you fucking idiot. We're just not blind dogs for the US empire, uncritically cheering as hundreds of thousands are pointlessly thrown into a meatgrinder in order to sustain the imperialist west for a few meagre seasons more.

            Instead of trying for yet another poor dunk, try to employ your empathy or curiosity and consider (and then INVESTIGATE GODDAMMIT) why we might believe what we believe. You're a fucking idiot if you think we're cheering for Putin. Learn what critical support entails and learn why people argue that it is better NATO loses instead of Russia.

            • @Zetta@mander.xyz
              3 months ago

              Well I do appreciate some of the insight in this comment, I was under the impression hexbear supported Russia and I was confused about that given the state of LGBT rights there. I even considered making a post here asking that exact question!

              I'll do some more reading on Ukraine's current government but doubt my overall opinion on supporting them will change.

          • moonlake [he/him]
            3 months ago

            Reality is not a Marvel movie, you bloodthirsty piece of shit. An entire generation of people is being slaughtered on both sides of this war and your reaction is that you love seeing the "personnel loss" which is just a liberal way of saying murdered people. This is why we hate liberals, you view human misery as entertainment.

          • take_five_seconds [he/him, any]
            3 months ago

            I don't believe Ukraine is a fascist coup regime


      • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
        3 months ago

        Fuck Trump.

        Of course you would support continuing the wars, it's your favorite past-time, liberal. You claim people don't care about foreign policy, and yet here you are, making a vote based on foreign policy.

        Yeah, yeah, we know what you care about. us-foreign-policy

        • @Zetta@mander.xyz
          3 months ago

          My understanding of what a liberal is is just the first paragraph on Wikipedia and I assume that's not exactly what you think of as a liberal? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberalism

          I'm not sure what I am politically, I've never given it much thought. I just vote based on who's available to vote for and what they support specifically.

          • skeletorsass [she/her]
            3 months ago

            On here we use global definition of liberal. This mean that they support private property, capitalism, current world system, and the bourgeois rule. They can want anything from the strict austerity to the social democracy. Liberalism is the official ideology of the United States Constitution. Every politician in the United States is a liberal. Two party system do not allow anyone who is not a liberal to run.

          • Egon [they/them]
            3 months ago

            My understanding of what a liberal is is just the first paragraph on Wikipedia

            peltier-laugh Hey I have a hard time parsing tone on text, are you doing a bit? You're legally required to tell me if you're doing a bit. This is great stuff.

      • AOCapitulator [they/them]
        3 months ago

        Definitely, unlike you who loves freedom and democracy, we hate all people and think they should be lorded over by an unaccountable dictator who society has no influence on the decision of, no matter how unpopular that person is, we just want to force them through!

        Wait that's Biden

      • @Sons_of_Ferrix
        3 months ago

        If Trumps such an evil fascist why didn't he go full Hitler in his first term?

        Why wouldn't he just eat McDonalds and watch Fox all day in his second term like he did his first?