
Cali-Texas and big florida fighting the feds over who gets to be the true Heir of Hitler while the northwest has a Maoist Insurgency lol red-sun

  • Maoo [none/use name]
    6 months ago

    "Deconstruct this paper" is not something I'm particularly interested in given the bad faith with which you've approached this conversation, including summarizing what I've said to you as simply, "a bizarre bone to pick with nuclear winter theory", something so obviously false that it's basically just lying. If you'd like to discuss this further some time a day or more from now in a comradely way I'd be happy to.

    • Dolores [love/loves]
      6 months ago

      the belief that undergirds your arguments is the belief that nuclear weapons do not have climatic effects, you said lots of other things, but they only make sense in the context of that belief. clearly i got nowhere emphasizing scale because it doesn't matter how much smoke or fire ever happens if it cannot cause climate change. therefore you need to look at the modern research and refine your criticism of it or reconsider your assessment of the theory.