Wtf is going on

    • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
      6 months ago

      Adam Something is a social-fascist, pseudo-leftist, and European YouTuber. In spite of him sometimes espousing socialist economics and being critical of anarcho-capitalism and Elon Musk, he nonetheless is highly supportive of the neoliberal imperialist European Union and NATO. He rejects the right of self-determination for the people in Eastern Ukraine, openly promotes anti-communist propaganda, and supports imperialist neoliberal politicians in the EU.

      Hot damn that's a good description

    • AernaLingus [any]
      6 months ago

      Is anyone else experience severe slowdown when scrolling on ProleWiki in Firefox (but not Chrome) for Android? On my Android phone it seems like scrolling works fine for the first ~1cm, but if I go past that the framework craters--I'd guess down to like ~20 FPS? It's even worse when there are more complex elements on screen (e.g. when I scroll past the "top contributors" table on the front page it seems like it dips into single digit FPS territory). I checked out a few random other MediaWiki projects and while I did notice some slight slowdown when scrolling on some, it's subtle enough that I might not have noticed it (or just chalked it up to a general problem with my phone) were I not actively looking for it.

      • piccolo [any]
        6 months ago

        Seems to scroll fine for me on my Don't Be Evil Pixel 5. Is your phone more than, say, 4-5 years old?

        • AernaLingus [any]
          6 months ago

          It is an older phone, so I don't expect things to run perfectly, but I don't think I've ever seen a site lag as badly as ProleWiki did, and the fact that it runs perfectly in Chrome makes me think there's some small quirk of how the pages are generated that Firefox's rendering engine chokes on.

          ...although idk, I just went back and it seems fine now—maybe it was just something transient with my device.

        6 months ago

        It's possible you might have caught us at an update moment. We've been debugging and working on the back-end for the past few days, and that sometimes puts the site offline for a few minutes.