• joaomarrom [he/him, comrade/them]
    2 months ago

    calling it right now: this is just going to be driven remotely by some dude

    easy call, I know, but still, calling it now

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      2 months ago

      In a near future press conference - Elon is angry and he finally goes ballistic.

      "Listen and understand. The car is automated. It is automated. How many times must I say this. It is automated! For quality control the car is monitored by the Tesla Monitoring Center in Bangalore."

      A reporter yells out " 'Monitoring' includes driving, right?"

      "That is a lie! You little ffff—" and somehow Elon gets himself not to call the reporter a "fucker". But he starts storming off the stage like a Stormtrooper and with his back is to the reporters he's yells "It is automated!"


      Later in the middle of the night Tesla issues a terse press release saying little more than: "For quality control the car is monitored by the Tesla Monitoring Center in Bangalore. Such control may include navigation management and adjustments..."