The landlord loving scum wants to cut it from $68 million to $20 million but remember folks, it's project 2025 we got to worry about

  • CyborgMarx [any, any]
    5 months ago

    At a budget hearing Friday, Councilmember Robert White pushed back at those claims. “What we heard from the mayor this week was that people are gaming the system,” he said. “There is no evidence of this. There is no evidence of fraud. What there is evidence of is that rents are going up much higher than incomes. There's evidence that evictions are up. There's evidence that legal programs that assist people in avoiding eviction are all now overstretched. So, what we are seeing is a housing crisis, not a crisis of people gaming the system.”

    No evidence but they'll do it anyway

    But Department of Human Services Director Laura Zeilinger, who oversees the program, says White is wrong and there is fraud in the program. “So, we want to make sure that where we're addressing what we've seen not work in the program in instances like that, and that we're making sure that the people who it's intended for able to access it,” she said.

    Wow what incredible evidence, well I'm convinced

    A significant reason the program is being cut is because millions of dollars in federal funds used in the past few years are no longer available, the Bowser administration said.

    Dark Brandon strikes again biden-harbinger