"Favorable taxation" ie zero income tax for settlers. Only the poor Palestinians have to pay the regressive sales tax.

  • AutomatedPossum [she/her]
    3 months ago

    "Once Hamas is destroyed" honestly doesn't leave much room even for that when this kind of ghoul usually sees all people in Gaza either as ethnically terrorist or as regrettable human shields that unfortunately can't be saved because the destruction of the people with the islamist militant brainpans takes precedent over their survival.

    • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
      3 months ago

      Right, that's what I noticed. There won't BE any Palestinians left if we go by what Israel uses as the definition of Hamas

      • @DancingBear@midwest.social
        3 months ago

        This is intentional. There is no way to prove Hamas is destroyed. Unless you are waiting for them to make the proclamation that they are all dead.

        If Netanyahu released a list of demands to stop the war, Hamas would likely comply because as soon as the war is over, Netanyahu’s trials for corruption and fraud will immediately continue when he is voted out of office.

        Netanyahu will do anything to keep this war going to hold on to power. He literally has fraud and corruption trials on hold as long as he stays prime minister lol.

        • @robinn_IV
          3 months ago

          Everything’s Netanyahu now. Get him out of power and the settler colony will surely stop its war on the native population (ignore all prior history).

          • @DancingBear@midwest.social
            3 months ago

            Removing Netanyahu, the guy who actually funded Hamas and who is on trial for corruption in his own government, is definitely a start.

            • Kumikommunism [they/them]
              3 months ago

              Telling me someone is disliked by the Israeli government doesn't make me like them less.

              And Hamas is not a problem. They are a response to a problem.

              • @DancingBear@midwest.social
                3 months ago

                Uhhh, Hamas is a bunch of militant terrorists. Neither IDF nor Hamas can argue they are the “good” side. Neither side has the moral high ground. Hamas was funded by Netanyahu because he didn’t want PLO to govern a united Palestine…. Simplified obviously but more or less I believe. But in no way is Israel somehow the good guys here.

                • Kumikommunism [they/them]
                  3 months ago

                  "Terrorism" is a word used by liberals when brown people use violence. The IDF and American military both fit any definition of "terrorist" that you would apply to Hamas. It's all a matter of whether the group looks organized and presentable to you. Leave the scare words at home.

                  You've been told this over and over and you are for some reason just ignoring this: Netanyahu is not the source of evil in Israel. Blaming Netanyahu for Hamas and the modern criminal ethno-state he runs is like blaming George W. Bush for all of America's crimes in the middle east from the 1940s to the Iraq War. What the hell do you think the rest of the country was doing the whole time?

                • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
                  3 months ago

                  I dunno, I feel like the side trying to prevent them and theirs from being ethnically cleansed has better moral footing then the side doing the ethnic cleansing

                  Just a thought

                  • @robinn_IV
                    3 months ago

                    Neither side has the moral high ground, they're both using violence! (don't ask how the IOF responds to nonviolent protests)

                • @robinn_IV
                  3 months ago

                  Uhhh, Hamas is a bunch of militant terrorists.

                  Uhh guys the native population is fighting colonialism and genocide with armed resistance, clearly this is evil terrorism (despite Palestinian armed resistance being permitted under international law, and the fact that Hamas is the govt. in Gaza). Where is the Palestinian Gandhi? nerd

            • GlueBear [they/them, comrade/them]
              3 months ago

              Not really, who do you think is gonna replace him? Have you seen what happened to the last guy that tried to "make peace" and find a solution?

              They shot him. And netanyahu came right back. Even if you get rid of netanyahu, the guy that's going to take his place will be considerably worse for the sheer fact that netanyahu IS the most moderate person in government rn.

              Israel should be completely abolished and the settlers removed from every part of society.

        • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
          3 months ago

          Yes. Hamas also being intentionally vaguely defined means it's much easier to keep the facade that every dead male is Hamas, and the rest 'unfortunate collateral damage' unless proven otherwise

          It's such obvious horseshit designed to render the ongoing genocide able to be described in terms Israel and the US find 'acceptable'

          • @DancingBear@midwest.social
            3 months ago

            It’s why Biden was caught so off guard by the push back from the American people on this issue. For decades the media has just been repeating the IDF lies and Israeli talking points ad nauseam and without question.

            Now we have alternative sources of media on the internet that actually investigate these claims. Corporate media is slowly losing its grip and is no longer able to force feed us their lies.