Updates here:

Iran has launched hundreds of drones, cruise and ballistic missiles. Iran says with this attack, it considers the matter concluded, and any Israeli response will be met with severe retaliation. Iran also tells the US to stay away and that if any regional nation is used to launch the Israeli response, they will be targeted, too.

Israel claims to have intercepted 99% of Iranian response, and the IDF says citizens no longer need to stay near shelters, suggesting the Iranian attack is over. They were helped by UK and US fighter jets in other countries. Israel says it will give “an unprecedented response”. Israel has told the US what their response will consist of.

UN Security Council to meet at 4 PM Eastern Time, Sunday. As of now, it seems all drones and missiles have been intercepted/hit their targets. The impact on Israel has been extremely minor, with minimal casualties and zero fatalities. A military target seems to have been hit. Now we wait for Israel's response.

Hopefully, that too is similarly limited and the situation calms down.

OG Post:

Per randos on Twitter, drones will reach in a few hours. It's not missiles or anything more substantial...yet (and hopefully never).

Edit - Hopefully, this is the only response. I can't stand the people cheering for this or wanting further escalation. Millions will die. I have no idea what Israel will do in retaliation for this retaliation. I don't even have any hopes they'll not respond. I just don't know.

  • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
    2 months ago

    You could update the link to this article.


    [Edit - things are far worse than first reports said.]

    • LibsEatPoop [any]
      2 months ago


      I don't want people to die. Goddamnit. Can you reply with a good link to update this post? I'm gonna go watch some YouTube videos to try to get my mind off this.

      • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
        2 months ago

        I'm switching between CNN and MSNBC. So far the reports that it's 100s of missiles and drones. "Experts" are saying different things based on that. I started to realize that the experts are simply pulling stuff out of their ass because they get paid to fill time and make rank speculation right now.

        I think these simple google searches are pretty good israel iran live updates or [your favorite site] israel iran live updates.

        • LibsEatPoop [any]
          2 months ago

          Thanks. I found this Twitter account which seems semi-official and have updated the post based on info from that. Other than that, there's Al-Jazeera probably. But as I said, I'm gonna try and go watch YouTube or something and prepare some food. Goddamnit. The amount of people that are going to die is...I can't even think. I don't want to.

      • newmou [he/him]
        2 months ago

        Those whom the West have oppressed for centuries have endlessly died. It is a metastasized tumor choking everything around it with barbed tendrils. Don’t be sad. There is only one final direction the contradictions will consolidate to — violent expulsion