• TRexBear
    2 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
      2 months ago

      They’re experiencing Shenzhen, it’s not exactly the face of socialism.

      But still miles better than what they were told to expect, so at least some of them will attibute the improvement to also this which they were told to be afraid of. Maybe even some of them will add 2 to 2 that they were used.

    • bleepbloopbop [they/them]
      2 months ago

      Yeah the wording lacks nuance, it's a meme, but the general gist is right. Whether it's specifically socialism that they're experiencing isn't the point, its that they have been told to fear the mainland, and when they go visit they find it's not so different from home after all, and actually much better in some ways. They're experiencing China, which includes shenzhen, as much as it includes beijing, or the countryside.