• thisismyrealname [he/him]
      2 months ago

      maybe OBL was dead in 2002 but i'm not going to take it as fact from a website with a "COVID deception" category on the front page

    • blashork [she/her]
      2 months ago

      Gotta say, posting that is a major L. That is absolutely not a credible site. Even if you believe he died in 2002, that is not where I would go looking for a source.

      Also, I personally believe he was alive because all the seals argue about which of them was the one who actually got to pull the trigger finally.

      Anyways, really sad to see you post cringe like this, hope you make a full recovery soon.

      • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
        2 months ago

        Yeah, all of them aggressively jockeying to be known as 'the man who shot Bin Laden' is what pretty much convinced me they did kill him

        • TankieTanuki [he/him]
          2 months ago

          I don't doubt that they shot somebody who they were told was OBL. Recall that the SEALs blasted his face into a crater, as ordered, which would make a positive identification at the scene difficult. No photos or DNA samples were taken.

      • TankieTanuki [he/him]
        2 months ago

        You've probably faced the frustrating situation in which a liberal refuses to engage with a well-reasoned article simply because they dislike the source. I bookmarked that page before the pandemic began and I was unaware that the authors had taken a Max Blumenthal-esque turn. That Off-Guardian piece was little more than a collection of articles from mainstream news websites. I've reduced it to its underlying layer of sources.

        Cheers, comrade.

        • blashork [she/her]
          2 months ago

          Fair enough, I think you're original comment is removed so if you edited it, I can't really see it. If you want to make it a proper post some time I'd be happy to try and give it a proper read.