• Fishroot [none/use name]
    2 个月前

    Citation needed podcast talked about the way how the ADL and adjacent orgs count antisemitism. the way they get inflated number is how they count jewish people feeling “uncomfortable” as antisemitism. (Ie, they count some random person seeing a palestinian flag in the street as antisemitism because it is uncomfortable and triggering)

    This kind of methodology has been questioned by progressive jews and even people within the organization as trivializing antisemitism, making it super obvious that it is a way to shut down critique of israel and weaken the accusations made by the organization in the long run.

    • EmoThugInMyPhase [he/him]
      2 个月前

      After Elon publicly shared Jewish media control conspiracies, he apologized and visited Israel. I think he even donated. That was enough for the ADL to forgive him and praise him for changing lol

      • Fishroot [none/use name]
        2 个月前

        Adl also praised henry ford for being a big entrepreneur. It was later removed when people pointed out that ford propagated a certain book published by tsarist Russia