I don’t really think he knows this site’s culture at all. No one is dissuading people from reading theory lol


      • destroyamerica@lemmygrad.ml
        3 months ago

        ??? i have never seen anyone imply either those twitter accounts are sockpuppets, and i'd like to see actual evidence for a big claim like that.

        • ivy@lemmy.ml
          3 months ago

          I'm not really interested in debating plausible deniability about that any more than I am about debating who makes anonymous fluff edits to personal Wikipedia pages. If you're actually concerned with this random gossip, I'd like to see proof RedSails has anyone involved with it other than Day.

          • destroyamerica@lemmygrad.ml
            3 months ago

            accusing someone of pretending to be a trans woman on the internet is a big deal actually, and if you don't have anything to show im just gonna assume you made it up and deserve to be banned for it.

            • ivy@lemmy.ml
              3 months ago

              Thanks for clarifying you think anyone questioning the behavior of anonymous twitter accounts should be removed from the discussion.

              • destroyamerica@lemmygrad.ml
                3 months ago

                making unsubstantiated claims about people is fucked up, no matter how big or small their account is. also weird behavior to dm me a secondary part of it

                • ivy@lemmy.ml
                  3 months ago

                  That really shook you to be confronted with the suspicion you're the same guy, after you swiftly tracked down criticism of him on a popular post?

                  Anyways, it would be cool if Roderic Day actually showed up on Hexbear himself, like you said (you sure like talking about him a lot [EDIT: this is referencing your post earlier, not sure why you replied after this as if I didn't see it]), instead of hiding behind alt accounts. It would be cool if he spent time reading instead of playing with dolls.

                  Then his criticism would be more interesting to read, instead of being a tirade of bitterness and excuses not to read an author based on sections of the introduction to one of his vlogs.

                    • ivy@lemmy.ml
                      3 months ago

                      it's a good thing you clarified that you think it's ridiculous I would claim that, otherwise I might've mentioned how you haven't posted on the site for almost a week and came back to enthusiastically discuss this man defend his name and promote his website.

                      You're right, nobody would ever make alt accounts on Lemmy. I probably have some kind of emotional problem.

                  • alicirce@lemmygrad.ml
                    3 months ago

                    It's probably more worth my time to take a leaf out of Roderic's book and not post on here but the idea that he coordinates a network of alts being a more reasonable explanation to you than that he has friends is just too ridiculous. Here's some contrary evidence for you to grapple with:

                    You can listen to a podcast I've done here: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/8d546709-2b54-498a-a29d-a0bde330a940/id/27767583

                    You can also watch Roderic on a panel about Losurdo and his book in Stalin here: https://twitter.com/RodericDay/status/1724514720374301034?s=19

                    Do you really think we are the same person?

                  • YangJingyu [he/him]
                    3 months ago

                    Your comments in this thread are bewildering, to say the least. The fact you respond to someone questioning your critique with "you must be roderic on an alt account" is laughably stupid. If you were lambasting The Shining and someone questioned your argument, would you immediately assume it was Stanley Kubrick on an alt account? More importantly, your unsupported accusation that his trans friend is a "sockpuppet" is the same kind of reasoning that lemmy dorks apply when they say that all of our trans comrades on hexbear are simply faking it. Terrible post, do better comrade.

                  • destroyamerica@lemmygrad.ml
                    3 months ago

                    That really shook you to be confronted with the suspicion you’re the same guy, after you swiftly tracked down criticism of him on a popular post?

                    huh? not actually sure what you're talking about, I was just scrolling back through the dunk dank and saw the post had blown up after i commented (which you evidently should have seen was posted an hour before yours based off time stamps).

                    He's obviously read the guy, he's made many posts calling him out. in fact, the very first post about hudson was him listening to an interview he made with ben norton, not attacking the guy for his autobiography.