• zed_proclaimer [he/him]
    2 months ago

    Similarly, I am extremely grossed out by the common usage of the term "ethnic cleansing" to describe acts of violent displacement and genocide of people. It's uncritically accepting the framing and language of the perpetrator of the crime, that they are doing a "cleansing" act by killing "unclean" people. That even leftists use the term gives me big heeby-jeebies.

    • JohnBrownNote [comrade/them, des/pair]
      2 months ago

      idk that compound always made the "cleansing" part sound really gross to me, like a nazi was saying it and winking, rather than any association with cleanliness. If you don't hang out with newage crystal healing weirdos you probably don't even hear the word "cleanse" outside of the genocidal context.

      • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
        2 months ago

        the term is not used with a wink though, as a satirical critique of perpetrators of genocide. It is used straight, as a flat description of the process of "genocide lite". Like even international legal documents will call it "ethnic cleansing" which is not appropriate whatsoever in my view, to accept the Nazi phraseology in such explicit ways

        • WideningGyro [any]
          2 months ago

          It's weird, I have too had issues with the term, but never really thought of it in the sense of accepting the language of the perpetrator. I just hate it in the context of Palestine, where it is sort of used by libs to, as you say, soften the accusation of genocide. This of course rests on the false premise that the Israeli don't want to outright genocide Palestinians, but simply "drive them out", as if Palestinians were just generic "arabs" who will immediately assimilate and become Egyptians, Jordanians, Syrians etc. if they flee, and not a unique people with a unique culture and a homeland - which the Israelis want to destroy and build fucking beach resorts on. It's kind of a bullshit term for people too chickenshit to call a genocide what it is.

          Anyway, not sure I added anything to your point, I just thought your almost etymological objection to the word was interesting. Just another reason to call a genocidal spade a genocidal spade.