The students replied with boos and "we're going to let them leave".

Video in thread:

  • happybadger [he/him]
    23 days ago

    The only people who benefit from antisemitism are Zionists who want to make people flee to Israel. There's zero tactical or strategic value for a left-wing that's otherwise built on intersectionality. With some of the most knowledgeable and prominent Anti-Zionists being Jews, it would be nonsensical for anyone at that protest to be against their allies. Liberal co-option of the protests is when we'll see actual antisemitism creep up.

      23 days ago

      Yep, they're conflating Judaism with Israel, while at the same time committing the worst atrocities. This will cause a backlash against Jews internationally, which makes Israel the only 'safe' place for them. It's all part of a strategy.

      23 days ago

      Zionists and antisemites fundamentally agree on the shared premise that Judaism makes its adherents ontologically different than other humans, and that coexistence with the rest of humanity is impossible or undesirable. "Israelis" committed to the Zionist project are totally fine encouraging international hatred of Jews outside of occupied Palestine, because coexistence undermines the case for supremacy.